The power of indeginous plants
Friends of Skelton Creek that teach the young minds more about these mystical living organisms that prove harder to look after than yourself.
Nestled amongst the hills of Melbourne’s outer west is Seabrook Primary, a school that values the power of plants. The kids that go here are lucky enough to play with Friends of Skeleton Creek.
This local not-for-profit is taking the world by storm, dedicating time to educate others about the conservation and maintenance of Australian wildlife habitats. Think Steve Irwin, but with plants.
Friends of Skeleton Creek recently contacted us to talk about their latest project with Seabrook Primary and how Local Matters helped make a real difference.
“Our group works with Seabrook Primary School to add to a unit of work they do on the environment,” they told us. “The grade 3 and 4 students walk down to the creek and learn how vital our creek is for the plants and animals that live near it.”
Nurturing the kid’s growth (and potentially future personality traits), Friends of Skeleton Creek talk about the importance of maintaining plants and the environment around them.
“Firstly, we talk about the negative impact of littering, then we get the children to analyse the quality of the creek water by looking at the micro bugs living in there,” says the team. “Kids are amazed by what lives in our creek.”
After a day of weed-pickin,' bug-watchin' and just all-around good ol' fashion fun, the students top off the day by planting indigenous plants as a habitat for wildlife. “This is where your funding is used to buy the plants,” we were told.
Friends of Skeleton Creek is for the 'kids who’ve never dug in the dirt or looked at what lives in our creeks.' Who knew that when we started Local Matters, we’d be not only be introduced to some of Australia's local heroes but also help the environment, one plant at a time.