Grill'd Flinders Lane

Pick Up

Captain Matthew Flinders was an English explorer who loved burgers. One of those things is true. Regardless, if the great man was alive today he'd definitely love Grill'd.

Flinders Lane
Image of a dine-in restaurant

Comin' with a big crew?

Work or play, mates or team-mates, birthday or game day. Whatever the group gathering, book 'em in for a Grill'd feed!

Local Matters

See the community groups we're supporting this month!

Starlight Foundation - Wish Granting

A once-in-a lifetime opportunity for seriously ill children to have their very own dream come true. A puppy, a cubby house, or a family adventure - the choice is theirs. A wish gives them something fun to look forward to in their darkest times.

Starlight Foundation - Starlight Express Rooms

Captain Starlight lands here every day and makes these magical, fun places feel a world away from the reality of hospital. They're a place where kids can just be kids; play, laugh, be loud and just forget about being sick.

Starlight Foundation - Livewire Program

Livewire is for teens only! In hospital, Livewire runs workshops to help teens make friends, learn new skills, and find creative ways to help cope with their illness. is an online community to help teens cope with their illness.

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