Grill'd Ocean Keys

Pick Up

We've heard of getting the keys to the city but Ocean Keys? That's pretty exciting. Just head to Ocean Keys Shopping Centre and the keys to the ocean are yours. And burgers done good.

Ocean Keys

Local Matters

See the community groups we're supporting this month!

Quinns Rocks Environmental Group

Quinns Rocks Environment Group aims to inspire and educate our local community to love and care for our planet.  We use the Grill'd money to offer fun and free activities for children and families.  Your support is appreciated.

True North Youth

True North Youth or TNY is a youth organisation in the northern suburbs of Perth! We help teenagers from all walks of life find the belonging, purpose and community that everyone needs. This donation will help fund TNY's weekly program!

Peter Cowan Writers Centre

Help with the cost of running workshops on characterisation in novels, writing about childhood experiences and the voice of narrator, metaphor and imagery in writing, publishing information and also with writing groups for members of the community.

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