Grill'd Ocean Keys

Pick Up

We've heard of getting the keys to the city but Ocean Keys? That's pretty exciting. Just head to Ocean Keys Shopping Centre and the keys to the ocean are yours. And burgers done good.

Ocean Keys

Local Matters

See the community groups we're supporting this month!

Quinns Rocks Environmental Group

Our group would like to focus on creating an eco-warriors youth group in our community. The aim is for young people to team up and create an environmental project to work on and the money would go towards supporting one of their projects.

Alkimos Primary School P C

Alkimos Primary School P&C is a group of parents who want to help support their children's education by organising fundraising events to assist in purchasing equipment, educational activities and other items.

Quinns Rocks Little Athletics Club

We offers a modified athletics program for children ages 6-17. We focus on developing skills, self confidence and striving to be your best in a warm and friendly environment. The funds raised will go towards new training equipment for our club.

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